Earthquake in Italy…againEarthquake in Italy…again

Again a major Eartquake hits Italy. For the past 10 days Earth never stopped trembling and after the firt big hit, yesterday the dead toll – for a single day – was 16…

Of course, our hearths go to the victims and their families. And to the thousand volunteers that are working 24/7 right when I’m writing this.

We decided not to step in at this time. It’s not a job for S4C to take photos in such a situation. Now it’s time to work and bring relief to those who suffer.

There will be time to tell stories once the spotlight of major media will fade off.

We have many friends in the area. Luckily they are allright. Some of them are Civil protection (ANPAS) volunteers, such as Andrea Cardoni (with whom we lately produced, together with Andrea Ranalli, the web doc about – odd – the other Earthquake of l’Aquila).

Andrea is working around the clock and we are very close to him. Everynow and then he uses Instagram to take snapshots of what it means to be there now. A good way to feel close to us and to let us feel close to him

A good and wise way to use Internet in these circumstances.

Good luck to all…



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