
11/11/11 What a S4minutes!11/11/11 What a S4minutes!

Roma, 11 novembre 2011, ore 18:30 (e poi aperitivo tutti insieme)

c/o l’Associazione lasituazione, (via Casilina 5b, zona porta maggiore)


Questa volta nasce da un’equazione:


(Shoot4Change+Shoot4Minutes+WhatAsituation+WhatAday [ si, sara’ l’ 11/11/11]=whatAshoot4minutes)

Comincia infatti quello che speriamo (e crediamo) sarà un sodalizio creativo tra S4C e gli amici dell’Associazione Lasituazione (What a Situation), un hub di creatività a Roma che ospiterà alcune delle nostre iniziativa.

E infatti cominciamo con la seconda edizione di Shoot4Minutes.

Come funziona? E’ una sfida contro il tempo. 4 minuti

Avrete solo 4 minuti (non un secondo in piu’, non un secondo in meno) per dire quello che avete da dire e mostrare quello che avete da mostrare.

4 minuti possono essere pochissimi. Ma possono anche essere sufficienti a lasciare una suggestione, un’idea, la voglia di saperne di piu’.

Se vi va…e credete di riuscirci…compilate questo form ed iscrivetevi. Le regole sono semplicissime:

1. Ci si deve registrare riempiendo questo modulo

2. E’ possibile presentare un lavoro compiuto o un progetto in cantiere

3. si puo’ presentare un proprio viaggio

4. Se selezionati, dovrete inviare a un pdf o una presentazione multimediale (KeyNote, PowerPoint o simili ovviamente)

5. contenuto, numero di slides, immagini, suoni, etc liberi ma rientranti in 4 minuti esatti

In 4 minuti non si cambia il mondo, ma possono servire ad avere le idee chiare. E’ un gioco. Cui giocheremo, come al solito, divertendoci molto seriamente

Antonio Amendola





In his extraordinary “Letters against the war” (read it or, if you have already done it as I think, reread it!), Tiziano Terzani mentioned, a fascinating place in Peshawar.
They call it Qani Kissa, the bazaar of the storyteller. It is a place that I now consider a “non place”.



A crossroads of storyteller …

As it did to me, it charmed, likewise, Marina Misiti (friend and fellow member of S4C Rome) with whom we are now about to launch a new series of events called “Shoot 4 Minutes”!


We want them to be hubs, meeting points where those who have a story to tell (a photographic work or a project in the pipeline or just a story) and those who want to meet those who will, in the future, tell their stories get together.

What makess, however, our event different from smoky, chaotic, exotic atmospheres of the Kissa Qani Bazaar?



The Time: 4 minutes
You’ll only have 4 minutes (not a second more, not a second less) to say what you have to say and show what you have to show.
4 minutes can be a very short time. But they can also be enough to leave a suggestion, an idea, the desire to learn more.

We’ll start September 28th within the premises of our “100 clicks 4 Change” Exhibition at Palazzo Valentini, in Rome (Italy) at 17:00.

If you like … and you think you can make it in 4 minutes … please fill this form and sign up.


The rules are simple:
1. You must register by filling out this form [click here]
2. You can either present a photographic work or a project in the pipeline or just a story

3. you can show photos of your latest trip

4. Once selected, you will need to send a or a PowerPoint presentation (or similar, of course) to s4c@shoot4change

5. content, number of slides, images, sounds, etc. is free and up to S4changer

What do you say? Shall we give it try?


4 minutes do not change the world, but they can be usefull toput some order in our ideas, to be clear on what we want to say. It ‘a game. And we’ll play as we like to do: having fun very seriously.
I’m already preparing my S4minutes presentation… What about you?
Antonio Amendola



In his extraordinary “Letters against the war” (read it or, if you have already done it as I think, reread it!), Tiziano Terzani mentioned, a fascinating place in Peshawar.

They call it Qani Kissa, the bazaar of the storyteller. It is a place that I now consider a “non place”. A crossroads of storyteller …



it charmed, likewise, Marina Misiti (friend and fellow member of S4C Rome) with whom we are now about to launch a new series of events called “Shoot 4 Minutes”!

We want them to be hubs, meeting points where those who have a story to tell (a photographic work or a project in the pipeline or just a story) and those who want to meet those who will, in the future, tell their stories get together.

What makess, however, our event different from smoky, chaotic, exotic atmospheres of the Kissa Qani Bazaar?



The Time: 4 minutes


You’ll only have 4 minutes (not a second more, not a second less) to say what you have to say and show what you have to show.
4 minutes can be a very short time. But they can also be enough to leave a suggestion, an idea, the desire to learn more.
We’ll start September 28th within the premises of our “100 clicks 4 Change” Exhibition at Palazzo Valentini, in Rome (Italy) at 17:00.


If you like … and you think you can make it in 4 minutes … please fill this form and sign up.



The rules are simple:

1. You must register by filling out this form [click here]


2. You can either present a photographic work or a project in the pipeline or just a story



3. you can show photos ofyour latest trip
4. Once selected, you will need to send a or a PowerPoint presentation (or similar, of course) to s4c@shoot4change


5. content, number of slides, images, sounds, etc. is free and up to S4changer


What do you say? Shall we give it try?



4 minutes do not change the world, but they can be usefull toput some order in our ideas, to be clear on what we want to say. It ‘a game. And we’ll play as we like to do: having fun very seriously.


I’m already preparing my S4minutes presentation… Whatabout you?
Antonio Amendola

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