Tag Archives: S4C

Il mio nome è Omar

Il mio nome è Omar

save the date – 21 gennaio, ore 18 alla Casa dei Raccontastorie (Roma) LA STORIA DEL DESAPARECIDO ITALOCILENO OMAR VENTURELLI..
Veteranos: los 400 locos – the 400 Fools

Veteranos: los 400 locos – the 400 Fools

Who are we?
We are those who are abandoned and forgotten, those who decided to actively figh injustice to talk about that Past that nobody wants to talk about.
Quienes somos? Somos esos que siguen abandonados y olvidados, esos que decidimos que solo luchando activamente podremos demostrar la injusticia de aquel pasado del que nadie quiere hablar.

Another Family

Another Family

Should a photographer be only a witness to what is happening in front of his lens, or does he have a moral obligation to change the situation?