Shoot 4 Change is a nonprofit organization made out of  (both pros and amateurs) photographers, designers, artists and other dreamers who share part of their time  for shooting  humanitarian reportages for NGOs and other social organizations.

S4C isn’t intended just to be  a charitable organisation but rather as a hub of experiencse and best practices.

S4C acknowledge  the value of quality photography and the need to remunerate the efforts and the creativity of its members. No photo, reportage or other results of s4c projects are given free of charge to commercial entities (newspapers, magazines, publishers) unless for promotional uses. In case of remuneration derived from selling single photos or entire reportages to commercial entities, the revenues are used to support social projects and to reimbourse the costs bore by the volunteers.

S4C volunteers are available – free of charge –  to those subjects (individuals and associations) that do not have means to afford photo coverage of their work and cannot access mainstream communication, therefore remaining unknown.

Our Vision

S4C envisions a world without fear and restrictions, where information flows freely  and where everybody is free to express their opinion.

S4C believes in the power of information to change people’s lives and help them raise their voices.

S4C trusts in a world where everyone, through its work, can participate in creating a new concept of communication  and in bringing people’s untold stories into the light.

S4C believes in the power of local engagement, which, combined with other local initiatives can gain global scope.

A world which everyone can contribute to improve.

Our Mission

S4C’s mission is to raise awareness and bring people’s attention to social issues.

S4C is an international network of volunteers working in the defense of human rights by reporting and telling forgotten, undeerstimated or ignored stories.

From the homeless around the corner to the U.N., S4C tells stories worth being told and shared.

Shared to inspire others to do the same, with the aim of igniting a positive loop that could eventually achieve social change.

S4C pursues its mission remaining independent of political pressures.

Shoot Local, Change Global!


How to join  (click to fill in the online form and become a S4Cer!)


How to help:

1. If you are a photographer and feel like sharing some spare time with us, join S4C and be part of our field projects around the World. We have many running and just as many (or more) in the pipeline;

2. You know small NGOs or other Associations  in need of publicity or photographic coverage and/or  you would simply like to highlight their potential to bring social change? Contact us and we’ll work TOGETHER to support them!

3. You already have a photo reportage, a single photo, a videoclip on social issues or an outstanding story? Feel like sharing it with the rest of the gang? We’ll be HAPPY to publish it here!

4. You would “simply”  like to donate to S4C and help us support our social activities? You can do so either by making a bank transfer to the  S4C account:

Bank account number: 15314

Bank: Banca Prossima (ABI 03359),  Milano’s branch (CAB 01600).

IBAN:  IT20Q0335901600100000015314

or online with PayPal:


If you have questions, complaints, or just feel like sharing your thoughts and comments with us… WRITE US: s4c@shoot4change.net
Thank You for your help and support. It really means a lot to us!
Antonio Amendola


Shoot 4 Change is a nonprofit organization made out of  (both pros and amateurs) photographers, designers, artists and other dreamers who share part of their time  for shooting  humanitarian reportages for NGOs and other social organizations.

S4C isn’t intended just to be  a charitable organisation but rather as a hub of experiencse and best practices.

S4C acknowledge  the value of quality photography and the need to remunerate the efforts and the creativity of its members. No photo, reportage or other results of s4c projects are given free of charge to commercial entities (newspapers, magazines, publishers) unless for promotional uses. In case of remuneration derived from selling single photos or entire reportages to commercial entities, the revenues are used to support social projects and to reimbourse the costs bore by the volunteers.

S4C volunteers are available – free of charge –  to those subjects (individuals and associations) that do not have means to afford photo coverage of their work and cannot access mainstream communication, therefore remaining unknown.

Our Vision

S4C envisions a world without fear and restrictions, where information flows freely  and where everybody is free to express their opinion.

S4C believes in the power of information to change people’s lives and help them raise their voices.

S4C trusts in a world where everyone, through its work, can participate in creating a new concept of communication  and in bringing people’s untold stories into the light.

S4C believes in the power of local engagement, which, combined with other local initiatives can gain global scope.

A world which everyone can contribute to improve.

Our Mission

S4C’s mission is to raise awareness and bring people’s attention to social issues.

S4C is an international network of volunteers working in the defense of human rights by reporting and telling forgotten, undeerstimated or ignored stories.

From the homeless around the corner to the U.N., S4C tells stories worth being told and shared.

Shared to inspire others to do the same, with the aim of igniting a positive loop that could eventually achieve social change.

S4C pursues its mission remaining independent of political pressures.

Shoot Local, Change Global!


How to join  (click to fill in the online form and become a S4Cer!)


How to help:

1. If you are a photographer and feel like sharing some spare time with us, join S4C and be part of our field projects around the World. We have many running and just as many (or more) in the pipeline;

2. You know small NGOs or other Associations  in need of publicity or photographic coverage and/or  you would simply like to highlight their potential to bring social change? Contact us and we’ll work TOGETHER to support them!

3. You already have a photo reportage, a single photo, a videoclip on social issues or an outstanding story? Feel like sharing it with the rest of the gang? We’ll be HAPPY to publish it here!

4. You would “simply”  like to donate to S4C and help us support our social activities? You can do so either by making a bank transfer to the  S4C account:

Bank account number: 15314

Bank: Banca Prossima (ABI 03359),  Milano’s branch (CAB 01600).

IBAN:  IT20Q0335901600100000015314

or online with PayPal:


If you have questions, complaints, or just feel like sharing your thoughts and comments with us… WRITE US: s4c@shoot4change.net
Thank You for your help and support. It really means a lot to us!
Antonio Amendola

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  1. fotografici

    […] pi¹ belle foto HDR. Il blog di Merlinox. Le mie foto su Flickr Le mie foto du Flickr. Nikon …Shoot 4 Change | ABOUTLe persone non esistono separate dalla terra. No B Day Roma 5 dicembre 2009. IN UNA SOLA … […]

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